Consumer Focus Turns to Wellness As Over-the-Counter Supplement Sales Rise at Ninelife

It took only a few short months for the first mention of the novel coronavirus to become a global pandemic, turning the lives of people around the world upside down. While a few months ago most people were focused on starting 2020 off right, priorities have changed considerably since then. Now, health and wellness seem to be in the spotlight, and have become the main priority in day to day life.

Social distancing measures, additional sanitization procedures, mask-wearing, and other communal efforts have been implemented to slow the spread, but some consumers are taking their vigilance a step further. In particular, many consumers are focusing on finding ways to boost or support their immune systems, since a strong and functioning immune system is thought to be key in fighting the novel coronavirus. While general fitness and healthy eating are good ways to promote a healthy immune system, many consumers are choosing to add natural supplements to their daily routines.

In the first quarter of 2020, NineLife, an online retailer of natural supplements (among other items) saw a major rise in sales of immune-boosting supplements and vitamins, a trend that has not slowed since. NineLife along with parent company Handelnine Global has taken the trend shift in stride, adjusting to take on the new demand while continuing to provide service to more than four major regions including the EU, Canada, and Singapore.

The shopping experience on NineLife is unlike any other, in that it allows consumers to access their health and wellness products without leaving home and potentially exposing themselves or others to the virus. NineLife ships fast, and customers enjoy some of the best international shipping rates on some of the best products.

Because NineLife is an online retailer, they have the ability to shift their inventory as consumer demand shifts. Now, with more consumers showing interest in and purchasing natural immune supplements, NineLife is expanding their stock and adding new and exciting over the counter products each and every week.

Explore NineLife’s enormous selection of natural supplements by visiting online today.

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